Royz Stuff

Mental Midget

My neighbor is an idiot.

A complete mental midget.


On Thursday January 21, 2010 we received a LOT of rain here in the Phoenix area.

That evening, around 6:30 PM, I decided to open my garage door and watch the storm.

So, when I opened the garage door I noticed that my neighbor had a couple of goons digging a trench from her backyard all the way out to the street.


She wanted to drain her backyard. Seems it was flooding up to her patio and she was afraid that it would get into her house (it wouldn’t – we would’ve needed another 3” of rain for that to happen - but, I digress...).

So, why is she an idiot?

Because she dug the trench THROUGH MY YARD!

Yep. Seems her yard has concrete as far as the eye can see. So, the ‘logical’ solution was to trench my yard.

So, now I have a nice 2 to 3 foot wide scar through my yard consisting of mud and rock.

What an idiot...

The Trench - The morning after...

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The Trench - After she filled it in...

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The Trench - Follow up...

I managed to fix the damage caused by my dimwit neighbor by crafting a screening device, digging up the top layer of the dirt/mud/rock, screening the mixture, redepositing the material that sifted through the screen, then replacing the rock, etc. that remained in the screen. I then raked rock from other parts of the yard over to the 'scarred' part of the yard in an effort to further blend it in.

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